What is the Most Popular Form of Foundation Repair
January 30, 2017

When your home’s foundation starts to sink into the ground or the earth pushes it up, you want to efficiently fix it and solve all the problems that it causes. There are many methods used to fix foundations. But sometimes it can be hard to wade through all the different repair techniques that companies try to use to repair foundations. So, we have made this quick list of the most popular form of foundation repair used.
Form of foundation repair
Slab Jacking
Slabjacking is a fast and inexpensive method to repair foundation issues. It is best used in situations where the foundation has sunk into the earth. Holes will be drilled into the ground under the foundation and then these holes will be filled in with different types of material or special mixtures. Using this method the foundation can quickly be lifted back up to its original position. One major disadvantage to this method will be when your home is sitting on ground that still has soil movement problems. It is possible for the soil to move again and then the foundation shifts again. Consequently, if your foundation shifting in the ground was not a temporary soil shifting problem such as a flood, then a more permanent solution might be needed for your home.
Piering is a more permanent solution for foundation problems. This process details drilling supporting materials down into the ground until they reach more stable ground like bedrock. The materials used to reach solid and unshifting soil varies from city to city, state to state, and soil type to soil type. Furthermore, this makes it difficult to pick one piering method that will work for every city across the U.S. Each different soil type the varies around the country will have one or several piering methods that will work best for the particular homeowner’s foundation problem.
Concrete Pressed Fillings
Concrete pressed filings a piering method that is used in Texas. These concrete pressed filings will be a few feet in length. The concrete pressed filings are stacked on top of each and driven into the ground until the reach solid ground or until they cannot go any further. Although this method costs more than slabjacking, this is still one of the cheaper piering techniques used in Texas.
Drilled Concrete Piers
Drilled concrete piers is another method that is used to correct foundation problems. In this instance, holes are dug in the soil first until they reach solid soil that will not shift. Next, concrete is poured into the holes and it is allowed to hardened. This method is more expensive and intrusive to the homeowner. Additionally, it takes longer to accomplish compared to other methods due to allowing the concrete to cure properly. But in comparison to these facts, it has a long history of having a very long lifetime. This is the method that engineers use to build skyscrapers, bridges, and highway overpasses when shifting soil can be very dangerous to public safety. Furthermore, this is a very good and long term solution to homeowners who do not want to have to deal with more soil movement and foundation problems in the future.
What form of foundation repair is most relevant for your home?
Have questions about your home’s foundation? Contact us to see how we can help.